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Everyone is busy. But considering what is at stake, making time for exercise needs to be a priority right now. Thirty minutes a day is not too much when you get right down to it. Cut one prime-time show out of your evening television-viewing schedule. Get up a half-hour earlier each morning. Use half of your lunch hour for a brisk walk. You can find time if you look hard enough for it.

In fact, there are people who find time to manage and endorse the advantages of physical fitness just so they can prove to the world what a physically fit person can look like.

It is for this reason that most people contend that fitness models are one of the healthiest and most appealing people in the world. They embody the perfect concept of a physically fit person. Fitness models are, indeed, the epitome of health, life, vigor, and real beauty.

In reality, virtually everyone who has the capability to move can exercise to some degree; and everyone who is capable of projecting the benefits of exercise and physical fitness can be a fitness model.

Therefore, if you think that you have what it takes to be a fitness model, here are some tips on how to be come one.

1. Deviate from the common notion of everybody that fitness is just a matter of the body figure.

The problem with the society today is that people tend to admire and look up to females who are thin and sexy and to males have brawny, muscular biceps, triceps, and wonderful abs.

The upshot is that people tend to exert so much effort in exercise not because they want to be healthy and fit but because they want to like the fitness models that they usually see in TV, posters, and magazines.

To be a fitness model, you should start working your way to a healthier you and not just a sexier, physically attractive person that you want to be.

After all, being a fitness model does not necessarily mean you have to have a “fashion-model” body size.

2. Believe in the saying, “You are what you eat.”

If you want to be a fitness model, you have to believe on the fact that our body shows what kinds of food we eat. Your body will also depict the kind of physical activities that you have in life.

Hence, if you do not conform to this belief, chances are, you will find it hard to be a fitness model, and to inform the people what it is like to be physically fit.

3. Live a healthy lifestyle

Genes play big roles in a person’s health. But these do not certainly influence what you will eat at breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and the kind of activity that you will engage in.

Hence, if your lifestyle will not be healthy, chances are, you can never be a fitness model.

4. Have a “positive self image”

In order to be a fitness model, you have to incorporate positive body image in your life. This means that you should love your body in spite of what is happening in the environment or the occurrences in your life.

You should never wish for a body that you know it is not yours. Do not burden yourself into thinking that life could have been better if you only have thinner thighs or beautiful abs.

Through positive self-image, you are able to gain respect for yourself, which in turn generates other s to respect you and admire you.

The key point here is that, being a fitness model is not all about vanity and physical attributes alone. What matters most is the beauty of being physically fit and healthy that radiates from your body as it exudes the glow of health.

NASCAR fans can now get free membership to the Official NASCAR Members Club via a special promotion. Members get a variety of benefits including discounts and VIP treatment at games as well as inside information on their favorite NASCAR drivers.

NASCAR, membership, free, NASCAR fan club, fan club, NASCAR discount, discounts, VIP

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Free Zone is making the Official NASCAR Members Club publicly available free of charge through sponsorships participation. "I have been blessed to have a close relationship with all the race fans throughout my career and don't forget, I'm a fan too," said Richard Petty, National Membership Chairman of the Official NASCAR Members Club. "Racing has always depended on the fans and that's why I consider it a privilege to be part of the NASCAR Members Club. I think this is a neat way to invite fans to come forward so that we can reward them for their support. All the fans have to do is join the Club, get their membership card and start enjoying the rewards." Normally this is an $84 a year membership, but the sponsored help will allow new members to have a year long membership to enjoy all the benefits and discounts for free. Learn more at

About the Membership

The ONMC is a membership organization created in early 2005 to recognize NASCAR’s most loyal fans by enabling them to achieve NASCAR VIP insider status and get even closer to the sport and its excitement. The ONMC is also a means for the entire sport to thank these fans for their support by being able to directly communicate with them through the Club.

Managed by Stoneacre Inc., the ONMC membership organization currently provides members with significant benefits. These include VIP Treatment at NASCAR events, 24/7 insider information and driver reports, access to exclusive merchandise deals, ticket and race travel offers, limited edition merchandise, and collectables, discounts from NASCAR sponsors and licensees, and access to NASCAR Local Chapter events.

The ONMC includes 15 legendary NASCAR champion drivers as charter members and currently has more than 1,100 local chapters across all 50 states.

Those who run the ONMC are particularly dedicated to bringing members with quality benefits, information, and discounts. “…the Official NASCAR Members Club is committed to providing loyal NASCAR fans with the very best experience and benefits when they participate in our program," said Patrick Brady, chairman and CEO of Stoneacre, Inc. Members now receive access to more than 160,000 valuable local and national discounts, including up to 50 percent off at top attractions, amusement parks and restaurants. They also receive retail, services and movie ticket discounts.

For more information on joining the ONMC for free, go to, and register for the promotion while it lasts.

The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, Inc. (NASCAR), which began in 1948, is the sanctioning body for one of America's premier sports. NASCAR is the No. 1 spectator sport - holding 17 of the top 20 attended sporting events in the U.S., the No. 2 rated regular season sport on television with broadcasts in more than 150 countries, and has 75 million fans that purchase more than $2.1 billion in annual licensed product sales. These fans are the most brand loyal in all of sports and as a result, more Fortune 500 companies participate in NASCAR than any other sport. Based in Daytona Beach, NASCAR has offices in Bentonville (Ark.), Charlotte, Concord (N.C.), Conover (N.C.), Los Angeles, New York, Mexico City and Toronto.

Razvan Marian Jr.

Hunting along with a dog is a rather controversial sport these days and there are some dogs better at it than other, some dogs are better “at” a specific type of hunting than others, that is why hunti

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Hunting along with a dog is a rather controversial sport these days and there are some dogs better at it than other, some dogs are better “at” a specific type of hunting than others, that is why hunting with a dog is a popular sport among hunting enthusiasts. There aren’t any specific groups registered in the American Kennel Club ( AKC ) for hunting alone other than the hounds which are known to have an ancestral background in their lineage in the hunting domain.

These traits vary from dog to dog: some have a very developed scenting ability while others have very good stamina and so on. Some of the most famous hounds would be the: Beagle, Norwegian Elkhound, American Foxhound, Black And Tan Coonhound and others as well. The widely known AKC Sporting Group is a rather large group of hunting dogs for those hunters that enjoy hunting along with a dog in a woody or watery environment. Some of the dogs that belong to this group would be the: American Water Spaniel, Golden Retriever, English Cocker Spaniel, German Shorthaired Pointer and others as well.

Moving on to the interesting part, the exciting aspect about the above mentioned dogs ( and the rest of them, of course ) is that each breed has its own natural behavior. Hunting along with one of these dogs will surely improve your hunting efficiency but choosing the most appropriate type of dog is crucial as some dogs excel at fox hunting for example while other are best to be used for squirrel hunting. The terriers were originally developed for hunting small games and killing vermin and if you plan on hunting squirrels for example, a working terrier is the best way to do it. The hunting dogs are most recommended for any type of hunting as they will prove their efficiency if properly trained.

The main disadvantage regarding hunting dogs is that the training procedure is rather complex and might not show up the expected results when hunting for the first time with the dog. Regarding the aspect of training a hunting dog, it is also a matter of time because training a dog properly for hunting purposes can take up to one year and in some cases you will have only one chance to do it because some mistakes are irreversible. An example of an irreversible mistake would be the lack of early socialization. We recommend that you do a little bit of research before choosing your hunting dog ( keeping in mind the type of game you are going to use the dog at ), start the training from an early age and things should go smoothly.

All things considered, hunting along with a dog has its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of using a dog is that if the dog was properly trained from an early age, the chances of catching more animals is higher as this dogs will do some of the work for you. The main disadvantage would be that the entire training process takes some time and every dog is different in its own way so there is no such thing as a standard training procedure applicable for all breeds.
Summary: Hunting with a dog can be a very exciting and entertaining experience but training a dog for hunting takes a lot of time and practice in order to do it properly.

Some would-be writers think they can dash off an article without bothering to learn the basic rules of grammar. But just as any craftsperson spends time honing his skills to make the perfect piece of craft, so must a writer work hard to present an article that will be a pleasure to read and not shame him for its sloppy grammar and punctuation.

articles, writing an article, grammar, rules

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Some would-be writers think they can dash off an article without bothering to learn the basic rules of grammar. But just as any craftsperson spends time honing his skills to make the perfect piece of craft, so must a writer work hard to present an article that will be a pleasure to read and not shame him for its sloppy grammar and punctuation. True, some errors are typos, but doesn’t that reflect a certain laziness on the author’s part? An article should be closely examined for typos before it is sent off or uploaded.

Don’t trust your spell checker. No automated spell-checker can alert you to every error. Whose and who’s, lose and loose, quiet and quite, its and it’s are all legitimate words, so there will be no red line under them. Spell-checkers are not clever enough yet to tell which one you meant to use. And if the error is not due to a typo, it means you need to keep a dictionary on hand to check anything you are uncertain of.

Remember that when a word ends in “ ‘s” it means there is a letter missing. “It’s” means “it is”. If you are unsure which one you should be using, try saying the sentence both ways.

For instance…

“ It’s a good day today/ It is a good day today”. The latter example makes perfect sense, so it is okay to use “it’s”.


“Here is a rabbit. Its burrow is over there.”

Does, “It is burrow is over there”, make sense? No.

Of course if you said, “The rabbit’s burrow is over there,” then the apostrophe denotes possession (and only one rabbit), not a missing letter.

“The rabbits burrow is over there,” (with no apostrophe) means there are several rabbits.

And just for the record, “loose” means not tight, while “lose” means you’ve lost it.
“Who’s” is short for “who is”, but “whose” is the possessive form of “who” (as in “Whose is that car?”)
“Quiet” means “hush”, while “quite” is an adverb (which should usually be left out).

“I felt quite silly,” sounds better as, “I felt silly”.

“I felt like an idiot,” may be even better.

Sometimes rules of grammar get in the way of good writing. If this is the case they can and should be broken, otherwise your writing will become pedantic and even mechanical. One such rule is that a sentence should not begin with a conjunction. Both “and” and “but” can certainly be used to begin a sentence, or even a paragraph, but not to end one. Using either of these conjunctions to start a sentence can be a natural transition to carry the reader forward.

A rule of style tells us to never use the same word twice in a sentence, but if you have to search for several other clumsy substitutes to do the job, then please repeat. Repetition of someone’s name is a little different. It can easily be replaced with “he” or “she” as the sentence progresses.

A persistent myth masquerading as a rule tells us not to end a sentence with a preposition. Winston Churchill is supposed to have made fun of this by stating, “This is the sort of English up with which I will not put.” Of course a sentence may end with a preposition. A good rule is to write the way you speak. But unless you have grown up speaking English, ignore this rule too.

A few more pointers…

· When writing an article, watch that you don’t repeat information unnecessarily. Even if you use different wording, it still gives the reader the impression that you think he was too dumb to get it the first time.

· Use short sentences more than long ones, but do vary the length.

· Break up the text by using bullet points, or asking a question. Why? It will add interest and prevent your reader falling asleep – or simply turning the page.

· Use short paragraphs too. This will make the job of reading it all seem much easier. In this fast-paced world readers are mostly in a hurry. If they come to a huge block of text with no white space, they’ll usually skip most of it.

If you keep these tips in mind, your articles will keep both editors and readers happy.

If you enjoy playing war games on your personal computers or play stations, then you would probably love playing paintball.

Just like the computer-generated war games, paintball is one kind of sport that is worth fighting for. It may sound like a cliché but the fact that paintball generates the same kind of adrenaline rush as fighters; it is the kind of stimulation everybody could have.

No wonder people who are so enjoy the action and adventure of exploratory activities like hunting will enjoy paintball.

The game of paintball would never be complete if it were not for the paintball markers because these markers are the primary tool used to get the game started.

Paintball markers or paintball guns are the tools used by the players to hit each other: but unlike real guns or toy guns, paintball guns make use of paint balls. These are small balls are known as “gelatin capsules” that contain paint.

The primary purpose is to shoot the paintball, which travels at a high speed, so that when ball hits the opponent, the gelatin capsule explodes and splatters the paint all over the hit mark (opponent).

Paintball markers are regulated so that the speed and the compression inside are safe enough to play with. This means that in order to avoid serious injury or problems, paintball markers should fire a paintball at an average speed of 91 meters per second.

At this rate of speed, injuries or serious damage will be avoided. Too much speed on paintball markers and paintballs can cause grave injuries to the eyes or the ears. Even with the use of safety measures it is still absolutely necessary for the players to wear helmets or any “head protection”.

When choosing paintball markers, it is important to consider the level of expertise of the player. If the player is a newbie, it is important to use a paintball marker fit for basic operations; then as the player advances in his skills he can choose markers that are appropriate for higher level of action.

It is also important to consider the kind of position the player performs in the game. For instance, front line players should use paintball markers that have a “remote air hose.” These guns are lighter so they increase the player’s pace in the game.

Yes, paintball markers can trigger a good game especially if used by good players.

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